Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sleepy Hollow

If you are interested at all in historical fiction (as I like to call it) then you will love the new show Sleepy Hollow. It airs Monday night on Fox at 9:00PM. It is obviously fiction; a mix of sci-fi and fantasy, but the main character Ichabod Crane played by Tom Mison (who has a photographic memory) is very intelligent. His character is from the past, the American Revolution to be exact and the show mixes in the greatest little historical details and plot lines into the show. They mostly revolve around America and the American Revolution. Crane, who was under the command of George Washington was a spy for the General and knew many of the secrets kept quiet over the next 300 years. The latest episode involved Roanoke, the first settlement in the new colonies. I don’t want to give anything away but the story of Roanoke is something I find ridiculously interesting and to have it put into one of my favorite new shows in a new light was beyond exciting. I kept looking over at my husband going, “You are going to love this, oh this is great.” If they switch up details I have to look over and say, what really happened was…..It kind of reminds me of the Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter movie, YES it was fiction, but some of the details they put into the story taught people about Lincoln, and most importantly, it made people research him. It allows history to reach a new audience, and that is exciting. So all in all, it is amazing, go watch it. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

I have been taking a break from school for almost a year now. I had a baby, he is awesome. Now i am getting back into my blogging roots. I will be starting back school sometime next year, sooner rather than later i hope, but until then my posts will be historical in nature. Maybe even a hand drawn comic or two. :)